Friday, 23 November 2012

Does living = learning

Ok so here is an odd one and feel free to comment and share !!!

How do you know you are living and NOT just surviving ? What is it that you gauge yourself by ?

On reflection of this topic I realised a link in my own life. Any point in time where I felt I was truly living I happened to be learning. This learning was on occasion a formal exercise but mostly it was the way in which I was interacting with life. I have also found that when people are just existing or lost they have stopped interacting with life as though it was a lesson and instead become stuck without the perception of it being changeable.

So does this mean that to live we need to learn. I really think so. I don't think the learning has to be in one area or has to be hard times or formal education. I think it is more in the way you communicate with life.

What do you think ?

1 comment:

  1. That is so true... When you resist learning, you are resisting life itself. We came here to learn, and if we do not feel able to do that, it becomes a fear. Enjoy life, and the experiences it gives you.
