Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Anyone can do that ...

Recently I experienced this sentence and it brought me back to all the other times I have heard it said.

When ever I have heard this sentence it has been to put someone down or to elevate the speaker. Either incidence creates a divide. This divide can be intellectual, emotional, physical even spiritual but the divide was always in the perceived benefit of the person speaking the words.

I strongly and deeply believe that ANYONE can do ANYTHING and so this sentence is 100% true. We can all do it at different speeds, different standards and different methods. But to learn something or do something is defiantly possible.

I know that people have strengths and weakness in different areas and this is dominated by so many factors, our ability for personal growth, environment, opportunities and many more. The strengths and weaknesses aren't dominated by the fact that anyone is better than anyone else rather a combination of factors and if anyone of us had a different combination we would be likely to have a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

Anything I have learned, anyone can learn. So yes anyone can do this or that and in that we are equal not separate.

In my opinion this separation is magnified or displayed in people who need to feel elevated above others. who need to feel separate from people that display parts that they wish to let go of or ignore.

We all want to feel special in some way but do we need to do it by putting someone else down? Do we need to pretend that we are separate because we have done something or can do something that someone else hasn't got around to or hasn't invested time in.

I at my weakest points have tried to separate myself from other with statements similar to this and now with understanding I no longer need to be separate or be perceived as above anyone. I can now embrace that ANYONE and this includes me can do ANYTHING.

No limits except for the limits you try to apply to others or the limits you apply to yourself.

So embrace it, ANYONE can do it .....

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