Friday, 21 September 2012

Wanting & Having can be as simple as an attitude

These words are from Derek O’Neill, Oprah Winfrey and many other great people. My interpretation.
In wanting something there is energy of lack: I want means I do not already have.

To truly manifest something you ‘fake it until you make it’ – In other words you look at something and you say I already have that I just haven’t accessed that yet.
Then you get into alignment with what it would feel like to have accessed it fully. You see it, you feel it and you experience it as fully as possible.

So if you want to change your body, give your body the praise before you access the experience.
If its self-love, Love yourself fully until you access the experience fully.
If it is abundance, then live abundantly don’t buy the coffee in the garage pay €2 to sit in a café shop and enjoy the abundant experience.
If you want a better car start visiting car dealerships and test drive the better cars that you would like to experience.

Start acknowledging the experiences you are ‘wanting’, then stop wanting and bring the experience to you in some way and start the actual manifesting. Don’t just think, plan and envy it, feel it, see it, enjoy it and mostly be grateful before it is ever actually present.

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