Friday, 28 September 2012

Authentic self?

So this phrase gets thrown around a lot, usually as a direction or justification of who we are.

I am no expert and am stumbling through this area like so many.

What I do know is an authentic self does not judge, put people down or  demean them, that is ego and as pretty or well excused as it is, ego is not authentic. This is important to start with because we often mix up confidence, faking it till you make it and true self power.

Authentic self is the most powerful. It is your truth in action and it can be your guide in life. Being authentic doesn't mean never being uncomfortable or confused it means you navigate this area from your angle not someone else's.

What I have noticed is the authentic self has stripped bare layers of conditioning, belief systems & investigated not just the spiritual aspect of themselves but the mental & emotional. They acknowledge the behaviours they have learnt and work daily at undoing them and then they start to, from a neutral place build the authenticity that is so unique and beautiful we can almost smell it from them.

The authentic person has an aura, an essence, a difference, a presence that with out the deep reflection on their behalf,I do not believe you would be able to experience from them.

So the next time your asking about how authentic you are ask simply 'have I acknowledged what I need to acknowledge to know that I am always safe being who I really am ? '

If I need to justify or explain, I'm not being authentic.

Being authentic can feel so exposed and even Target like at times as you are saying clearly 'I won't play the roles, expectations or games anymore' You are saying I'm ok, that can be a really freeing place but with freedom comes responsibility.

I work every day at striping the layers to get closer to the authentic Sile and everyday she hangs around a little more than the day before. In those moments/seconds/fleeting thoughts or feelings, I feel that connection to my higher self/divine self/god. When she's around she holds the space for authentic you to show up. So when one of us has that truth present it gives us all permission.

It's amazing how your journey encourages my journey.

Life is a journey not a result.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

What's your satsang?

As I sit in this business class lounge in Dublin airport I notice its very comfortable, efficient and all needs catered for in one room from the papers to the whiskey.
It makes me wonder, what is it I'm accepting in my life ?

Others in this room are totally comfortable, maybe even oblivious with the fact that as we sit here their are 1000's of people anxious, rushing and overwhelmed by their trip.

My inner satsang screamed could someone else use the room and I could swap. As kind and spiritual this may sound. It really isn't, what I was doing was making up reasons why others deserve it more than me.

I was ignoring the anxiousness and rush I feel and believing I can handle stress better than others and also that really I feel unworthy of a comfortable trip ... then bang it hits me ...

My inner satsang is things are meant to be hard. What Craziness ! I have a back ground tape playing out an affirmation that sounds like this " my life can't be easy, comfortable or special I don't deserve that "

When you look to judge as I did the others in this lounge, ask why am I so uncomfortable with this ? What is it telling me about me ?

I must go now, lap up first class, eat and drink and relax because I deserve it, as you do and we all do. So enjoy your karma , I am x

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Honoring Who You Are... Part of a process

So this is a topic that is close to my heart. Mainly because it is something I haven't fully grasped yet. Within it holds a lot of different dimensions.
- Personal boundaries
- Self esteem
- Your expectations of yourself
- The expectations you have taken on from others
- The truths you know
- The lies you tell yourself
( loads more than this)

This list can be over whelming, can often seem like only the most achieved guru or physiologist can understand.  I take this from a belief I was brought up with. A belief that someone else, somewhere else can be great but me ... well I will never be enough.

This belief was unspoken but was taught to me in actions of the ones I loved. Not through any conscious decisions but through their own unconscious belief patterns that were actually handed to them from others . So now we have a lineage of people, living someone else's unconscious belief. My decision now is ... is this for me ...

This was the start of me asking who I am ? This started over 8 years ago and if I'm honest it started years before that. It played out in the roles I played with in my family, It played out in my relationships and it played out in the satsang that played in my head years before I knew how to verbalize it.

What would I feel if I felt empowered to honor who I am... If I felt so empowered I could honor who you are. No limits , no attachments just a space ready for something new. IMAGINE.

Last night I spoke to someone who not only lit a torch within me to look deeper, but also encouraged the HOPE that this is possible as an internal experience and maybe more....

Then later I spoke to another beautiful person who capped this for me in a language and experience I could understand. Encouraging me to step into my space and hold it. They didn't tell me, rather showed me.

It is funny how we meet, we chat and we leave people but what is the gift is when you spot that moment that gets to be a highlight in the match rather than just another play.

I want to thank the 3 beautiful souls that engaged in my journey last night and held a space with me. Honored me as I was allowed to honor them.

I do not have the answers to this one, I am in its journey as most of us are. I have labeled it honoring as that is how it feels to me. To honor me, to honor you and to know that space is a gift.

So ask the questions, sit with the answers and let it happen .. that is my motto for this one.

Any ideas, sharing may be the start of the honoring of who you are, what you believe ....

Friday, 21 September 2012

Wanting & Having can be as simple as an attitude

These words are from Derek O’Neill, Oprah Winfrey and many other great people. My interpretation.
In wanting something there is energy of lack: I want means I do not already have.

To truly manifest something you ‘fake it until you make it’ – In other words you look at something and you say I already have that I just haven’t accessed that yet.
Then you get into alignment with what it would feel like to have accessed it fully. You see it, you feel it and you experience it as fully as possible.

So if you want to change your body, give your body the praise before you access the experience.
If its self-love, Love yourself fully until you access the experience fully.
If it is abundance, then live abundantly don’t buy the coffee in the garage pay €2 to sit in a cafĂ© shop and enjoy the abundant experience.
If you want a better car start visiting car dealerships and test drive the better cars that you would like to experience.

Start acknowledging the experiences you are ‘wanting’, then stop wanting and bring the experience to you in some way and start the actual manifesting. Don’t just think, plan and envy it, feel it, see it, enjoy it and mostly be grateful before it is ever actually present.

Limiting beliefs

I run classes and do private sessions and recently it seems to be highlighted to me that we limit ourselves far more than anyone else could ever attempt.

Are you in a prison of self-inflicted limits? So prison may sound like a very intense word but really that’s what we are doing. We are locking ourselves into limits that are actually stored within us now, they have stopped being external ideas and issues and we have taken them on and internalised them.

Most limits come from experiences or conditioning… these make it difficult to acknowledge as a limit and not a reality sometimes.

My definition of a limit : Anything that says I can’t, It won’t and not me ..
My definition of Reality: Everything is possible

Where do Limitations come from?
We pick up limits through past failures; we say oh well I couldn’t do it that way which means I can’t do it at all. We basically pick an experience that we would prefer not to repeat in the same way and instead of attempting a different way we say if the past didn’t I’m going to plan my future based on a result I didn’t like. Now what sense does that make. This amplifies failure the very thing you do not wish to repeat and then you lose the opportunity to learn. That’s a choice that’s a perception that belongs to HOW YOU CHOOSE TO REACT belongs to you.
We pick up limits through other peoples opinions of us. When we grow up we often absorb lots of other people’s opinions and ideas. That’s a great way to gage the world and to learn different important angles on things. The issue is when you replace your internal knowledge with someone’s flippant opinion it isn’t based on your reality or your inner direction it is simply based on someone’s emotional and mental state of mind in a brief interaction with you. You then took this moment on board and applied your method of living in 1 person’s flippant reaction or opinions.

How to undo the limitations of yourself?
The first thing is bring the limit into your consciousness. See it as a limit, see it as self-inflicted and see why you decided to take it on, how you play it out and why now you want to let it go.  
Then look within and imagine that you are without this limit, feel how that feels, see how it looks and smell how it smells. Call in that experience of fulfilment and limitless experiences.
Now practise rewriting that background, catch yourself implementing the limits and take physical action to replace that unconscious action with a conscious one. Do this until the unconscious action has become a fully limitless conscious one.

If you want to discuss or delve deeper into a limit that is really not working for you just email me on